
Saturday, 31 October 2015's Halloween Special is Live Tonight from 8pm Uk

Listen Live tonight for 3 hrs of Horror themed Rock, Metal and noisy weirdness
Click the Link below from 8pm UK time and go live and direct to the radio station itself and hear the show as it goes out.
Join us, its gonna be fantastic.


Tuesday, 20 October 2015's Halloween Special's Halloween special will go out live on at 8pm on the 31st.
Featuring a specially chosen mix of scary sounds you can expect to hear something a little different from the usual RockShow noize.
Join Me, alongside Zachsta and Hector Sufferbus for a mix of horror soundtracks, industrial remixes and some scary heavy rock classics.

There will be a live link posted here at the time of broadcast as well as in the usual social network places.

You can join the event via Facebook HERE

Be there !

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Blog Update.

Im still looking at regular content for the blog and as you can see as well as my own projects i would also like to do more reviews.

The original intent was to  host the mixes from the HeavyPsych Radio show here on the blog, however it seems there is so much more that can be achieved and shared here. i'd like people to  contact me and let me know about your band/music or even record label, especially if it fits the kind of thing i play on either my own show or the Psychedelic Basement mixes.

If you'd like to post gig or album release announcements or other items of news, contact me here or on Twitter @GeoffLeppardUK, i reply to messages quite quickly.
Im keen to post regularly with the right kind of content.
My monthly mixes for and Grip of Delusion will continue to be uploaded to Mixcloud and available here as well as any other projects i get involved in.  Thanks for reading.  Geoff.

Find me on Twitter.
Past Broadcasts on Mixcloud

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Further Transmissions from the Psychedelic Basement are coming....November 7th.

Im pleased to announce that there will be a new collaboration with the brilliant minds at Thee Psychedelicatessen.  Following the excellent Transmissions from the Psychedelic Basement, Further Transmissions will continue to take your mind to New and wonderful places.  You can expect to hear New Sounds and Old Favourites travelling from Psych to Space to Krautrock and to who knows where else.

This broadcast will be transmitted live from 8pm on BigJaf.nets' Radio Station Page and there will be clickable links available from all of my social media places as well as BigJaf's and Thee Psychedelicatessens's own pages.

Until then you can click the link  and listen to the first broadcast HERE .  The tracklist is includes in the description on the Mixlr page

Visit Strange Things are Happening, Thee Psychedelicatessen's Blog HERE.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Album Review...Sergeant Thunderhoof - Ride of the Hoof (2015)

Available on Bandcamp,November 5th 2015
The City of Bath's Sergeant Thunderhoof deserve your attention; simple as that. Formed in late 2013, the band have played alongside Mos Generator, Valfader and Gonga and earned the reputation as a strong live force. In April 2014, the band released their debut EP 'Zigurat', a fine StonerRock noise that contains the track 'Pity for the Son'; the perfect introduction to the rest of the EP .

So it was good to hear, earlier this year, that the band were recording a new LP at Stage 2 Studios in Bath with Ben Turner; and it doesn't disapoint.  Opening track 'When Time Stood Still' brings the heavy grooves courtesy of Jim Camp's Baselines, coming in at just over 9 minutes; it shifts and moves pace effortlessly pounding its way to the finish.  Darren Ashman ensures the pounding continues with Planet Hoof and its heavy crunching riffs creating a wonderful wall of noise.  Next up comes the brilliant 'Reptilian Woman'; another solid slab of heavy that showcases all the talents on offer here from the band with a confident ease. All of this continues through 'Enter the Zigurat' right into the mammoth 13 minute long epic 'Goat Mushroom'.  Album closer 'The Staff of Souls' has a great PostRock drumbeat running through it and is a satisfying and fitting finish.

There's a huge amount to enjoy here over the course of the albums 50 minutes;  Dan's vocals complimenting the crunching riffs from Mark Sayer, and then theres the Psychrock grooves. The album is released on November the 5th to download on Bandcamp and there is a limited Special Edition run of 100 CDs which i'd suggest you get a preorder in for now.

Ride of the Hoof is highly recommended, find the band on the social media links below.

Dan Flitcroft - Vocals
Jim Camp - Bass
Mark Sayer - Guitars
Darren Ashman - Drums

Album Art BySara-Jane Swettenham
Sergeant Thunderhoof's Bandcamp

Sergeant Thunderhoof on Facebook

Sergeant Thunderhoof on Twitter

Monday, 12 October 2015

Listen to Octobers show...Now !

Octobers show Originally Broadcast on October 10th on and October 11th on American Radio Station Tracklist - - - - Electric Eye - Immigrant Song, Vintage Cucumber - Ufo Freunde, Dead Sea Apes - Regolith, Astroqueen - Superhuman God, Radio Moscow - So Alone, Riverside - Beyond the Eyelids, Sammal - Aika on Alkamassa, Ecstatic Vision - Cross the Divide, Dungen - Franks Kaktus............. Enjoy!

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Octobers Show Now Available on Mixcloud.

Octobers HeavyPsych Show is now available for offline listening at
Originally broadcast on on October 10th and again on October 11th on American Radio Station www gripofdelusion. 
The show features Heavy cuts from Ecstatic Vision, Dead Sea Apes and an addictive cover of a Led Zeppelin track by Electric Eye.
Upcoming Schedule for the next few broadcasts, keep checking back for more details